Commercial Locksmith Services

Commercial Locksmith Services

Emergency Lockout Assistance

Being locked out of your business is never ideal, but Mobile Lock & Safe can quickly send a technician to your workplace. We will work efficiently to get your business open & operational in minimal time.

Key Duplication
Always have a backup! We can duplicate your master key so that you can always access your place of business.

High-Security Lock Installation
We will give you peace of mind when we install our advanced security locks, including biometrics and keypad options. Our professional installation ensures top-notch protection.

Lock Repair & Replacement:
If your locks become damaged or malfunction, our Mobile Lock & Safe professionals will repair or replace them if necessary. We will ensure that these issues are resolved in a timely manner.

Safe Installation & Maintenance
For businesses with sensitive documents or other valuables, a heavy-duty safe will protect their assets. We will install your safe or vault and provide maintenance to keep your items secure.

Panic Bars & Exit Devices
Another security option is panic bars for emergency exits. During installation, we will ensure the panic bar or exit device complies with fire safety regulations. We also offer bulk discounts for multiple emergency exit devices.

Rekeying Services
After personnel changes, it is important to update your security options. At Mobile Lock & Safe, we will reconfigure your locks to operate with new keys, which will enhance your business security.

These services aim to safeguard commercial properties by providing expert solutions tailored to business security needs.